A note on lineage...
My work is deeply informed by the art and activism of many others. In particular, I want to acknowledge how Disability Justice, a concept of importance to me, emerges from long histories of BIPOC, queer, trans, Disabled, d/Deaf, Mad, and Neurodivergent organizing. With this in mind, here is an incomplete and in-progress list of people and groups that have shaped my understanding of Disability Justice, in no particular order...
Sins Invalid
Gloria Lucas (Nalgona Positivity Pride)
Ducky Jones
Fireweed Collective
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha
mia susan amir
JD Derbyshire
Sins Invalid
Gloria Lucas (Nalgona Positivity Pride)
Ducky Jones
Fireweed Collective
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha
mia susan amir
JD Derbyshire